Fluke 700 sw DPC/TRAC Software

Fluke 700-Sw DPC/TRACK Software

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Product Overview: Fluke 700 sw DPC/TRAC Software



Fluke DPCTrack2 Functionality at a Glance:

  • Performs pass/fail calculations and as-found/as-left data verification

  • Allows multiple calibration records to be opened simultaneously

  • Technicians can save incomplete calibration records for in-progress work

  • Test standards can be approved for use only for specific instrument types

  • Reverse traceability for tracking affected instruments if needed

  • Links master records to SOPs and other documents

  • Automatically sends reminders, alerts and warnings

  • Can auto-recalculate high/low tolerances during actual field calibrations

  • Uploads logged data captured in the field

  • Pre-structured associations for instruments to loops and/or equipment records are viewable in a hierarchical format

  • Allows multiple calibration test groups for a single instrument

New Features

Improved User Interface – The improved user interface allows for easy navigation with multi-window functionality. After logging in, explore the improved graphical user interface. This manual also explains some of the new features that enhance usability and productivity. For more information, please see the DPC/TRACK2™ User Manual located on the CD-ROM.

Improved Multi-COM Port Support – Communicate with your Fluke Documenting Process Calibrators (DPCs) easily and without configuration file changes through USB or RS232 Serial ports.

Drywell Source Mode Support – The Software now supports calibrations performed with Drywell test standards.

Reminders Screen – Use automatically-generated reminders to stay informed on all work items needing attention including Calibrations Awaiting Finalization, Calibrations Due, Records Awaiting Approval, and more.

DPCTrack Explorer – Use this feature to easily navigate through all of the Software’s item records and view calibrations that are coming due.

User Defined Labels and Variables –The Software features an unprecedented level of customization ability with the ability to redefine most field names and create user-defined variables to ensure the Software functions as necessary.

Keep on Schedule and End of Month Scheduling – These scheduling features give a greater degree of control when rolling calibration frequencies.

More Reports – Powered by Crystal Reports 11, DPC/TRACK2™ reporting system contains over 40 standard loaded reports that can be printed or exported to multiple file formats.

Equipment/Loops – Track asset configurations with Loops and Equipment, allowing associated items to be managed as a group or individually.

Advanced Query Capability – Powerful query capabilities allow advanced searches to easily locate desired records.

Set Required Fields –Define what fields must be completed when entering new records.

Multiple Test Point Ranges –Multiple Test Point groups allow for advanced calibration procedures with an easy to use interface.

Fluke 750SW DPC/TRACK2™ software includes an instrumentation data-base that makes it easy to manage your instrumentation, create and schedule tests, load and unload the 753 or 754 and 743, 744, print a variety of standard reports, and manage calibration data. Print standard reports automatically. The software assembles pre-formatted reports from your database files, saving time and reducing errors. Reports include calibration certificates, instruments due for calibration, inventory characteristics, calibration histories, calibration procedures, and traceability to instruments touched.

Documentation of results

The scheduling of calibrations, creation of procedures and documentation of your calibration results are facilitated by a number of instrumentation management software packages.








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