Product Overview: AEMC 8336 Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzer
AEMC 8336 Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzer
AEMC 8336 Three-Phase Power Quality Analyzer Features
- Measurement of TRMS voltages up to 1000Vrms AD/DC for two-, three-, four- or five-wire systems
- Measurement of TRMS currents up to 10kArms (sensor dependent)
- Measures up to 5000ADC with the AC/DC Current Probe Model J93
- Frequency measurement (40 to 70Hz systems)
- Records and displays trend data as fast as once per second for one month up to 41 variables
- Captures up to 210 transient occurrences on all V and A inputs
- Measures harmonics (referenced to the fundamental or RMS value) for voltage, current or power up to the 50th harmonic
- Recording, time stamping and characterization of disturbance (swells, sages and interruptions, exceedence of power and harmonic thresholds)
- 2GB SD Card for Trend Recording memory; Alarm, Snapshot, Transient and Inrush stored in internal flash memory
- Measures energy VAh, VARh & Wh
- 65µs/sample transient recording
- FREE DataView® software is included for configuring real-time display and report generation
- Verification of power distribution circuits
- In-plant troubleshooting of power distribution panels and individual machinery
- Monitor pad mount transformers and phase unbalances
- Determine harmonic problems originating from source or load
- Determine transformer K-Factor
- Energy metering (kVAh, VARh, kWh)
See more Power Quality Analyzers here.
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