Anritsu CMA5000 Multi-Layer Network Testing Platform

Anritsu Multi-Layer Network Testing Platform

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Product Overview: Anritsu CMA5000 Multi-Layer Network Testing Platform


Test Gigabit Ethernet, DWDM, SONET, OTDR, ORL, Fibre Channel, PMD, and CD all with the same easy-to-use multi-layer test platform.
The CMA5000 is also designed to maximize network performance and accelerate the deployment of new services. It allows you to quickly and easily characterize critical network parameters and diagnose network impairments. Network performance and reliability can quickly be documented to accelerate the deployment of new services. As the leader in optical fiber and network characterization, the CMA5000 offers all the test applications required for comprehensive physical layer characterization, including: OTDR, Chromatic Dispersion, Polarization Mode Dispersion, Loss Test Set, and Optical Return Loss. Supplemental tools such as a Visual Fault Locator, integrated Talk Set, and Video Inspection Probe are also available for a complete testing solution

Major CMA5000 Applications
Gigabit Ethernet Application 10 Gigabit Ethernet Application
OTDR Application OSA Application
SONET/SDH Test Equipment UTA 10 GigE
UTA STM64/OC-192 Polarization Mode Dispersion Application



XTA For characterizing and documenting performance levels, the CMA5000’seXtended Transport Analysis (XTA)application provides efficient, reliable testing of a multitude of parameters, including Alarm and Error Analysis, APS with 125 us resolution, Round Trip Delay measurement with 100 ns resolution, and network availability and performance evaluation. The XTA application characterizes networks supplying PDH/T-carriers to SONET/SDH up to 10 Gbps. The XTA’s Troublescan features automatically detect problems, allowing network impairments to be identified and rectified quickly.

UTA The last few years have witnessed a tremendous evolution of the transport networks with the emergence of new technologies. Engineers and technicians tasked with the installation, turn-up and maintenance of today’s networks have to deal with this increasing complexity in their daily job. In this context, a test instrument like the CMA5000 Universal Transport Analyzer capable to manage all the main technologies in one single module is a great help.

Ethernet The CMA5000 Gigabit Ethernet application measures critical parameters during network installation, including throughput, latency, burstability, and frame loss (as detailed in RFC 2544) to ensure proper and efficient deployment of services. For troubleshooting, the CMA5000 Channel Statistics option allows the user to quickly identify the root cause of network impairments, not just the symptoms. The Channel Statistics option presents detailed statistics on all traffic received for up to 8,000 individual Ethernet or IP addresses, VLAN tags, or MPLS labels. When combined with comprehensive and professional reporting, these features allow you to install, maintain, troubleshoot, and document 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet networks.


The CMA5000 Gigabit Ethernet application measures critical parameters during network installation, including throughput, latency, burstability, and frame loss (as detailed in RFC 2544) to ensure proper and efficient deployment of services. For troubleshooting, the CMA5000 Channel Statistics option allows the user to quickly identify the root cause of network impairments, not just the symptoms. The Channel Statistics option presents detailed statistics on all traffic received for up to 8,000 individual Ethernet or IP addresses, VLAN tags, or MPLS labels. When combined with comprehensive and professional reporting, these features allow you to install, maintain, troubleshoot, and document 10/100/1000 Mbps Ethernet networks.

OTDR The CMA5000 Optical Time Domain Reflectometer (OTDR) application reduces the time to install, commission, and maintain fiber spans. Featuring a multitude of available wavelengths, up to 50 dB of dynamic range, and dead zones as small as 1.0 m, the OTDR application is the ideal solution for testing long-haul backbone networks, metropolitan optical networks (MONs), and FTTP deployments that incorporate passive optical networks (PONs).

PMD The CMA5000 Polarization Mode Dispersion (PMD) application characterizes the data rate capability of each fiber, quickly identifying which fibers are capable of providing higher data rates and increased revenue potential.

CD The CMA5000 Chromatic Dispersion application provides accurate CD characterization to maximize bandwidth. This application quickly measures the chromatic dispersion, chromatic dispersion slope, and the zero-dispersion wavelength of any fiber type to allow optimized compensation.

CMA5000 is a true multi-layer network test solution to install, commission, and document the:


  • Physical layer
  • Data link layer
  • Network layer
  • Transport layer



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