Anritsu 2000-1746-R PIM Master Hard Case Accessory Kit

Anritsu 2000-1746-R PIM Master™ Hard Case Accessory Kit

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Product Overview: Anritsu 2000-1746-R PIM Master Hard Case Accessory Kit

Anritsu 2000-1746-R PIM Master Hard Case Accessory Kit

The 2000-1746-R accessory kit includes the RF components, tools, and cleaning supplies needed to support Passive Intermodulation (PIM) testing at a typical cellular installation. The low PIM termination and RF adapters included in this kit support PIM testing of one- or two-port devices with any combination of Type N(m), Type N(f), 7/16 DIN(m), or 7/16 DIN(f) RF connectors. The contents are packaged in a padded transit case for maximum protection while transporting to and from the test location.


Anritsu 2000-1746-R PIM Contents:

1-      760-260-R Transit Case

1-      2000-1626-R PIM Test Cable, 3.0 m, 7/16 DIN(m), 50 Ω

1-      2000-1749-R Low PIM Termination 700 MHz to 2600 MHz, 10 W, 7/16 DIN(m), 7/16 DIN(f), 50 Ω

1-      1091-446-R PIM Standard –80 dBm +/- 3 dB @ 1730 MHz with 2 x 20 W, 7/16 DIN(m) to 7/16 DIN(f), 50 Ω

1-      1091-425-R Low PIM Adapter 7/16 DIN(f) to N(f), DC to 3.0 GHz, 50 Ω

2-      1091-426-R Low PIM Adapter 7/16 DIN(f) to N(m), DC to 3.0 GHz, 50 Ω

1-      1091-427-R Low PIM Adapter 7/16 DIN(f) to 7/16 DIN(f), DC to 3.0 GHz, 50 Ω

1-      01-510 Adjustable Wrench

1-      01-513-R 1 ¼” (32 mm) Torque Wrench

1-      9719-R Cleaning Wipes

1-      971-10-R Cleaning Swabs

1-      11410-00726 Equipment Verification Process

For use with the MW82119A or MW82119B

 See more PIM Masters here. 


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