Ralston DPPV-0000 100 psi or -25” Hg Pressure/Vacuum Pneumatic Hand Pump


Effortlessly switch between 100 psi pressure and -25″ Hg vacuum with the versatile Ralston DPPV-0000 Pressure/Vacuum Pneumatic Hand Pump.

  • Generate precise pressure or vacuum for calibrating low pressure or vacuum instrumentation
  • Unique design allows for easy conversion from pressure to vacuum with just a twist of a knob
  • Two outlet ports eliminate the need for a tee, simplifying setup
  • Fine adjustment piston provides precise control, even at very low pressures
  • Soft-seated bleed valve allows for precise venting of pressure

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Product Overview: Ralston DPPV-0000 100 psi or -25” Hg Pressure/Vacuum Pneumatic Hand Pump

Ralston DPPV-0000 Features:

  • DPPV pump, no gauge adapter, with hose and process connection
  • Generate either a vacuum or a pressure for calibrating low pressure or vacuum instrumentation using an external pressure calibrator
  • Generate either 100 psi (7 bar) pressure or -25” Hg (-635 mm Hg) vacuum with the same pump
  • Temperature range: 0 to 130 F
  • Anodized Aluminum, Brass, Stainless Steel
  • Seal materials: Buna-N, Delrin, Teflon
  • Unique design allows the user to convert from pressure to vacuum by simply twisting a knob, even with gloves on
  • Two outlet ports allow connection to reference pressure gauge or pressure calibrator as well as device under test, thus eliminating a tee
  • Fine adjustment: Buna-N, Delrin, Teflon
  • Large volume fine adjustment piston provides precise control, even at very low pressures
  • Precisely vent pressure with soft seated bleed valve
  • Made in U.S.A.

Item Includes:

  • Hose – Quick-test hose, brass hose ends, 3 ft (92 cm) long (QTQT-HOS-3ft)
  • Hose Adapter – 1/4” male NPT x male QT, no check-valve, brass (QTHA-2MB0)

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