Product Overview: Dillon Dynamometer 5” Dial Models
Dillon Dynamometer 5” Dial Models
The Dillon Dynamometer is used in a variety of applications for the Utility and Tower industries and is a favorite amongst industrial contractors. It was originally used for measuring tension on telephone wires but is an ideal tool for suspended weighing applications, mounting cables for bridges, tension on guy wires, field testing chain, rope and wire, really anything that requires precision force or tension measurement.
JM Test Systems offers in house repair on dynamometers for such things as the bezel, gauge movement assembly and crystal max. Should you need to send your dynamometer in for service but need another on hand, our rental team is standing by to assist with urgent needs.
• Capacities up to 100,000 lb.
• Available in lb & kg
• 5” Dial Sizes
• Accuracy: within ±0.5% F.S.
• 3:1 to 5:1 Safety Factor Depending on Capacity
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